How to change the tailgate struts on your car [AUTODOC TUTORIAL]

How to change tailgate struts on a car – replacement tutorial
Prepare the equipment:
New gas struts
A WD-40 spray
Clean rags or a thick cloth
A flathead screwdriver
AUTODOC recommends:
  • They have to be replaced as a pair
  1. 1.
    How to change Tailgate Struts - free PDF and video manuals
    Tailgate gas struts are required for lifting and holding the boot lid in place
  2. 2.
    How to replace Tailgate struts - step-by-step manuals and video guides
    Vehicles may feature one or two gas struts
  3. 3.
    Boot gas struts replacement on your car: free workshop manuals
    The gas strut is filled with high-pressure gas
  4. 4.
    Changing Tailgate gas struts by yourself
    The gas helps to lift and support the lid
  5. 5.
    How to remove Gas struts - online easy-to-follow instructions
    These components usually stop working due to worn seals and gas leaks
  6. 6.
    How to replace Boot strut: download PDF manuals and video instructions
    The design of tailgate gas strut fittings is similar for most vehicles
  7. 7.
    How hard is it to do yourself: Tailgate strut replacement - download illustrated guide
    The fitting includes a metal clip. Pry it up using a flathead screwdriver
    AUTODOC recommends:
    Before proceeding, find an assistant who can help by holding the boot lid open during the replacementAlternatively, you can use something to prop up the lid
  8. 8.
    Need to know how to renew Tailgate Struts? This free workshop manual will help you to do it yourself
    While holding the lid with one hand, pry out the metal clip
  9. 9.
    Changing of Tailgate struts won't be an issue if you follow this illustrated step-by-step guide
    Disconnect the gas strut from the ball attachment
  10. 10.
    Boot gas struts replacement: online guides and video tutorials
    Repeat the process with the bottom fitting
  11. 11.
    Replacing Tailgate gas struts on your car by yourself
    Remove the strut
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