How to replace side mirror glass [AUTODOC TUTORIAL]

How to change glass for wing mirror on a car – replacement tutorial
Required Tools:
Dielectric grease
Plastic trim tool
Fender cover
Please note!
  • The replacement procedure is identical for the right and left side mirror glass.
  1. 1.
    How to change Glass For Wing Mirror - free PDF and video manuals
    Use a fender protection cover to prevent damaging paintwork and plastic parts of the car.
  2. 2.
    How to replace left and right Side mirror glass - step-by-step manuals and video guides
    Protect the paintwork of the mirror housing. Use the masking tape.
  3. 3.
    Carefully examine the new mirror glass to understand the design of the part.
    Door mirror glass replacement on your car: free workshop manuals
    Tilt the mirror glass out of the housing.
  4. 5.
    Check if the mirror glass has retaining clips.
    Changing Rear view mirror glass by yourself
    Release the mirror glass clips if necessary.
  5. 7.
    How to remove right and left Side view mirror glass - online easy-to-follow instructions
    Carefully release the mirror glass from its attachment.
    Please note!
    The mirror glass is usually secured to the housing with locking tabs.In some cases, the mirror glass is equipped with additional guiding elements.
  6. 8.
    How to replace Side mirror glass: download PDF manuals and video instructions
    Remove the mirror glass.
  7. 9.
    How hard is it to do yourself: left and right Door mirror glass replacement - download illustrated guide
    Unplug the electrical connectors if necessary.
  8. 10.
    Need to know how to renew Glass For Wing Mirror? This free workshop manual will help you to do it yourself
    Treat the electrical connectors.
  9. 11.
    Changing of right and left Side mirror glass won't be an issue if you follow this illustrated step-by-step guide
    To install the mirror glass correctly, examine its mounting seat.
  10. 12.
    Door mirror glass replacement: online guides and video tutorials
    Plug in the electrical connectors if they were detached.
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