How to replace your car door lock [AUTODOC TUTORIAL]

How to change door lock on a car – replacement tutorial
Required Tools:
Phillips screwdriver
Dielectric grease
Please note!
  • Before you start, switch off the power supply and make sure that the car keys are outside the vehicle
  1. 1.
    How to change Door Lock - free PDF and video manuals
    To access the component, remove the door trim. To do this, familiarise yourself with the design and location of the fasteners
    Please note!
    The fasteners are usually located behind the door handle trim and along the door trim panel's perimeter
  2. 2.
    How to replace Door lock mechanism - step-by-step manuals and video guides
    Carefully inspect the door trim panel for any covers or additional fasteners
  3. 3.
    Door lock actuator replacement on your car: free workshop manuals
    In addition to screw fasteners, the trim panel is also secured with clips. Release them, starting at the bottom, and then remove the panel
  4. 4.
    Changing Lock mechanism by yourself
    Next, you need to disconnect various connectors and other components from the door panel
    Depending on the design, you might have to remove the insulation
  5. 5.
    How to remove Door locks - online easy-to-follow instructions
    Once you have access to the component, disconnect the cables and any other parts obstructing its removal
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