How to change windscreen wipers [AUTODOC TUTORIAL]

How to change windshield wipers on a car – replacement tutorial
Prepare these items in advance:
new windscreen wiper blades
soft cloths
AUTODOC recommends:
  • Follow the car manufacturer's instructions and examine the wiper blade design carefully
  1. 1.
    How to change Wiper Blades - free PDF and video manuals
    Have a look at the wiper blade connector design. There are many different fitting mechanisms. But they’re all quite simple
  2. 2.
    How to replace rear and front Windscreen wipers - step-by-step manuals and video guides
    Lift the wiper arm away from the windscreen
    Please note!
    If necessary, set the wiper blades into the service mode
  3. 3.
    Wiper blade replacement on your car: free workshop manuals
    Depending on the vehicle's design, you may need to do the following: turn the ignition on and off and activate the windscreen wiper system
  4. 4.
    Changing Wipers by yourself
    Or use the service menu of the on-board computer
  5. 5.
    How to remove front and rear Windshield wipers - online easy-to-follow instructions
    Or just raise the arms manually
    Make sure that the arm does not rest against the bonnetHold the wiper arm securely to avoid damaging the windscreen
  6. 6.
    How to replace Windscreen wiper blades: download PDF manuals and video instructions
    Unclip the wiper blade connector
  7. 7.
    How hard is it to do yourself: rear and front Windscreen wipers replacement - download illustrated guide
    Remove the blade from the connector
  8. 8.
    Need to know how to renew Wiper Blades? This free workshop manual will help you to do it yourself
    Put a soft cloth under the arm and carefully lower it down
  9. 9.
    Changing of front and rear Windscreen wipers won't be an issue if you follow this illustrated step-by-step guide
    Alternatively, you can use one hand to hold the arm and the other hand to mount the new blade
  10. 10.
    Wiper blade replacement: online guides and video tutorials
    Click the connectors in place
  11. 11.
    Replacing Wipers on your car by yourself
    Gently lower the arm back onto the windscreen
    Please note!
    Don't touch the rubber part of the blade to avoid damaging it
  12. 12.
    rear and front Windshield wipers DIY replacement workshop manual
    After replacement, check that the windscreen wiper system is working properly
  13. 13.
    How to change Windscreen wiper blades on your car - tips and tricks
    The blades on the driver's and passenger's sides may differ in size
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