DTC P0700 indicates that there is an issue with the automatic transmission system. Automatic vehicles have a transmission control module (TCM) (TCM) which monitors the system for malfunctions. If it detects a problem, the module will transmit this information to the engine control module, triggering the trouble code.
Possible causes of the DTCIt means that the automatic transmission system’s control module has detected a malfunction.
Driving should be avoided until the error is addressed. If the gearbox gets stuck in one gear or malfunctions, it could lead to a road accident. We recommend that you get the vehicle fixed as soon as possible
You can clear the error using a diagnostic scanner. If it reappears, you will need to identify the cause and repair or replace parts in order to permanently remove the DTC. Once you have done this, it can be erased from the computer’s memory archive.
Fault code P0700 - Transmission Control System Malfunction can occur with any car but is most often found on the following cars:
If you get the code P0700 on your car, make sure that the diagnostics are carried out correctly and the error is still relevant. Check for symptoms associated with the problem and explore options for resolving it.
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