What the OBD-II code p0335 means

Fault code P0335 – a step-by-step guide to diagnosing and fixing it

The meaning of error code P0335 – Crankshaft Position Sensor A Circuit Malfunction
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P0335: causes, symptoms and repairs

The meaning of fault code P0335

It means that a crankshaft position sensor malfunction has been detected. The sensor sends the control module important information on the crankshaft’s exact position and rotational speed. It works together with a reluctor ring that emits a square wave voltage signal which the control module reads to determine the component’s actual position. If there is a problem with this signal, you may not be able to start the engine and other problems will arise.

What causes the P0335 error?

  • A defective or damaged connector
  • A broken timing belt
  • A short circuit or broken power supply cable
  • A damaged reluctor ring
  • Installation errors
  • PCM or sensor failure
  • A rough or misfiring engine
Symptoms of the fault

  • A reduction in the engine’s power output or slow acceleration. The fuel injection and sparking processes are timed according to the speed of the power unit. If the control module does not have the right information to adjust the timing, the car’s acceleration capabilities will be affected.
  • Difficulty starting the vehicle due to sensor or car crankshaft failure
  • Stalling as a result of interrupted signals
  • Engine misfires due to timing errors
  • Rough idling or increased vibrations
  • Knocking in the cylinders
  • The check engine light is illuminated. This is a general warning notification and does not indicate a specific fault. This is why it is important to investigate the cause before jumping to conclusions. To do this, you can check the diagnostic trouble codes that have been triggered using an OBD2 scanner.
Recommended repairs

  • Inspect the cable, wires and connectors for signs of damage, such as cracks and deformation. You can check the voltage of the wires with a multimeter. Damaged components should be replaced to restore the power supply and connection.
  • Inspect the timing belt or chain to see whether it needs to be repaired or replaced. You should also check whether the tension is correct.
  • Locate and remove the CKP sensor. You may need to use a socket wrench with an extension to do this. You can test the voltage output or resistance of the device with a multimeter or voltmeter. The readings should then be compared with the values specified in the owner’s manual. This crankshaft device can be replaced if the results are out of the normal range.
  • If there are signs of corrosion or contaminants on the electrical contacts, you can clean them using a special electronics cleaner spray.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What does the P0335 code mean?

It indicates that the crankshaft position sensor isn’t working as it should be due to a technical fault, damage, or a problem with the timing belt.

How can I get rid of this DTC?

The best thing to do is determine the cause and fix the unit as soon as possible. The solution is often straightforward, such as replacing the CKP device or the power supply cable. Once this problem has been addressed, you can go ahead and reset the error using the scan tool.

Can I still drive my car with this fault?

Many important engine functions rely on the data transmissions from this device. Without the exact position, the control unit won’t know when to inject the fuel or produce a spark. The vehicle could therefore stall at different speeds. Driving the vehicle without correcting the fault is therefore not recommended.

Cars the fault code P0335 is most commonly found on

Fault code P0335 - Crankshaft Position Sensor A Circuit Malfunction can occur with any car but is most often found on the following cars:

  • Nissan: Almera, Qashqai, X Trail
  • Vauxhall: Corsa, Astra, Zafira
  • Fiat: 500, Ducato
  • Ford: Transit, Fiesta, Focus
  • KIA: Ceed, Picanto, Sorento
  • Citroen: Berlingo, C4

If you get the code P0335 on your car, make sure that the diagnostics are carried out correctly and the error is still relevant. Check for symptoms associated with the problem and explore options for resolving it.

What to do if the fault code p 0335 appears

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