Code P0134 indicates that exhaust oxygen sensor1 on engine cylinder bank 1 is malfunctioning. This sensor monitors the amount of oxygen in the exhaust gases. This information is used to achieve the highest power output with the least pollution. The control module registers this DTC when the sensor is not warming up quickly enough or the voltage is inactive, meaning that it isn t providing accurate readings.
Common causes of P0134It means that the oxygen sensor one on the first cylinder bank is not warming up quickly enough or that the voltage reading isn’t changing as it is supposed to when the device reaches the operating temperature.
It is often the result of electrical problems, such as loose connections, broken wires and a faulty heater circuit, or leaks and contamination.
This is advised against, as this fault can eventually reduce the service life of the spark plugs, power unit, and catalytic converter, which could affect the vehicle’s emissions and driveability. Additionally, it normally has a significant effect on the fuel efficiency of the vehicle.
Fault code P0134 - Oxygen Circuit No Activity Detected (Bank 1 Sensor 1) can occur with any car but is most often found on the following cars:
If you get the code P0134 on your car, make sure that the diagnostics are carried out correctly and the error is still relevant. Check for symptoms associated with the problem and explore options for resolving it.
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