How to change shock absorbers [AUTODOC tutorial]

How to change shock absorbers on a car – replacement tutorial
Required Tools:
Tap wrench
Wheel impact socket
Impact socket
Please note!
  • The main function of shock absorbers is to dampen the oscillations of the suspension
  • Shock absorbers are normally installed on the rear axle of the vehicle
  • The spring is installed separately, which makes it easy to replace
  • Shock absorbers can have bushings on both sides, or only at the bottom
  • In this case, there’s a piston rod and some space for the mount at the top of the part
  1. 1.
    How to change Shock Absorber - free PDF and video manuals
    To remove the shock absorber, you need to access the lower and upper fasteners
  2. 2.
    How to replace rear and front Shock absorbers - step-by-step manuals and video guides
    This may require removal of the wheel arch liner or disassembly of the interior trim
  3. 3.
    Shocks replacement on your car: free workshop manuals
    Clean and treat the fasteners
    The shock absorber limits the suspension travel, i.e. prevents the suspension from going lower than normal
  4. 4.
    Changing Struts by yourself
    To take the load off the shock absorber and avoid getting injured by the spring, jack up the suspension a little before starting disassembly
  5. 5.
    How to remove front and rear Struts and shocks - online easy-to-follow instructions
    Loosen the lower bolt, but don’t remove it. This will keep the shock absorber secured
  6. 6.
    How to replace Suspension dampers: download PDF manuals and video instructions
    Unscrew and remove the upper fastener, then remove the lower bolt and dismount the shock absorber
  7. 7.
    How hard is it to do yourself: rear Suspension shocks replacement - download illustrated guide
    Suspension shock absorbers are always replaced in pairs on an axle, so remove the part on the opposite side as well
    Please note!
    Depending on the shock absorber design, the rod can be secured in different waysShock absorbers that have a mount in their design should be disassembled
  8. 8.
    Need to know how to renew Shock Absorber? This free workshop manual will help you to do it yourself
    To do this, secure the shock absorber’s piston rod in a vice and unscrew the fastener
  9. 9.
    Changing of front Shock absorbers won't be an issue if you follow this illustrated step-by-step guide
    Inspect the shock absorber mount and dust cover kit, and replace if necessary
Comments – 1
  • @user_1558186
    25.04.2023 10:15
    How much force doi need to use for each screws?
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