10 essential tools for car repair

10 essential tools for car repair

 Do you have it in your garage? 

  1. Torque wrenchThis tool applies a specific torque to threaded fasteners. Its use reduces the risk of thread damage due to excessive force.

  2. Ratchet SpannerThis tool is designed so that it doesn’t have to be removed when unscrewing and tightening the fasteners. This allows you to work with bolted joints in tight spaces.

  3. Combination spanner. This has an open U-shape on one end and a box-end on the other. It provides a secure grip on fasteners. It’s notable for its simplicity of design and low cost.

  4. Tap wrench. This simple tool can help you deal with tightly screwed joints.

  5. Drive sockets. These are bits used on tap wrenches, ratchet spanners, screw guns, and other tools. They allow you to quickly screw and unscrew any type of threaded fasteners.

  6. Flat blade screwdriverThis tool is indispensable when screwing or unscrewing threaded fasteners. Especially if no electrical or pneumatic equipment is available. It’s inexpensive and takes up minimal storage space.

  7. Phillips screwdriver. This tool has the same advantages as the previous one.

  8. Rubber mallet. This hand tool is used for straightening, mounting, and dismantling fragile parts. It is also used when working with a regular or wood chisel or other tools to avoid damaging the handle.

  9. Mounting lever. This tool allows you to remove metal parts and damaged structures. It comes in different sizes

  10. Wire brush. A wire brush is used to clean metal surfaces. With it, you can quickly remove old paintwork, rust, and dirt.
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