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Annoying satnav

  • @user_1855135 Sep 09, 2023
    Are there any more Kamiq owners or indeed any Skoda manufactured in the last couple of years that are really fed up with the ‘Suggested destinations’ function on their navigation system.
    When the ‘Suggested destinations’ prompt came up when starting the nav system I thought it was a selectable function.  I know where I am going 99% of the time and only need the satnav for the last mile or so of a journey.
    But no Skoda in their infinite wisdom have included the ‘Suggested destinations’ function as a default.  I tried to circumvent this by deleting all previous destinations and POI’s so there are none in the system not even a home address.  All to no avail it now shows the prompt ‘No suggested destinations’ I have taken this all the way to Skoda Technical UK and they confimed it is a standard feature whether you like it or not.
    Skoda are taking the proverbial where is the driver choice also the ‘lane departure’ warning easy to cancel via the steering wheel buttons a little more involved via the system function BUT after turning the ignition off it resets to on again.
    Seriously Skoda need to rethink this and give the driver the option to set these functions themselves. I for one consider this a deal breaker and when I come to changing which will be sooner rather than later as I am so fed up with having to cancel the ‘No suggested destinations’ prompt every time I get into the car.
    SO Skoda if you read any of these forums or indeed take any notice whatsoever of customer feedback ( I have spoken with the dealer re this on several occasions and have been told they have no influence over Skoda in this matter, well when I don’t replace my current Skoda with another Skoda and I have owned 5  Skoda cars over the last 20 years think about the customer!
    Rant over if you agree with me speak up to Skoda. 



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    @user_1932986 Oct 15, 2023
    Here in Australia, dealers charge A$360 to upgrade the navigation unit by putting a DVD into the unit. They keep the DVD.
  • @user_1932432 Oct 15, 2023
    Have you checked the navigation updates available completely free of charge on the Skoda or VW website? If you have an Amundsen system, it has 3 independent options, among which there is also the possibility of certain and possible modifications, which they will carry out for you at a professional service (150 – 200 €)

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