ALFA ROMEO 159 Saloon (939) manuals - service and repair

Repair manuals and video tutorials on ALFA ROMEO 159 (939)

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DIY ALFA ROMEO 159 Saloon (939) (09.2005 - 12.2012) repair manual

ALFA ROMEO 159 (939) tips and tricks video tutorials

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  • Maintenance manual Alfa Romeo 159 939 2011 - video guide
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  • 159 Saloon (939) 2.2 JTS (939AXB1B, 939AXB11) manuals free download
    How to change wipers blades / window wipers ALFA ROMEO 159 1 (939) [TUTORIAL AUTODOC]
DIY ALFA ROMEO 159 Saloon (939) (09.2005 - 12.2012) repair manual

ALFA ROMEO 159 Saloon (939) maintenance and PDF repair manuals with illustrations

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Alfa Romeo 159 939 service manual
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    How to choose the right engine oil for your car | AUTODOC
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159 Saloon (939) (09.2005 - 12.2012)
Technical data ALFA ROMEO 159 Saloon (939)
Engines currently produced 1.8 MPI, 1.8 TBi, 1.9 JTDM 16V, 1.9 JTDM 8V, 1.9 JTS, 2.0 JTDM, 2.2 JTS, 2.2 Q4, 2.4 JTDM, 2.4 JTDM Q4, 3.2 JTS, 3.2 JTS Q4
Max. power [kW] 191
Min. power [kW] 85
Max. power [hp] 260
Min. power [hp] 115
Max. number of cylinders 6
Min. number of cylinders 4
Max. cylinder capacity (cc) 3195
Min. cylinder capacity (cc) 1742
Max. engine displacement 3.2
Min. engine displacement 1.8
Engine type Diesel, Petrol Engine
Type of drive All-wheel Drive, Front-Wheel Drive
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