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Non Starter CITROŠN C3 Picasso (02.2009 - ...)

11.08.2024 12:51

My 2010 C3 was off the road for some months. The last time it was driven, it was fine. Now, I couldnā€™t get it to start. Local mechanic put new battery in. He then drove it to his workshop. It was a bit stuttery so he put fresh fuel in it. Now he canā€™t get it to start at all and has no idea why. At the moment, I canā€™t even take it to another garage unless i get it towed. It is 14 years old and only worth about Ā£500. Any clues as to what the problem might be? Starter motor is fine



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  • @Shich1982
    12.08.2024 12:51
    There could be a bunch of reasons... We have no clue what else that mechanic messed with on your ride. All you really needed to do was swap out the battery and give it a shot starting up. We donā€™t even know what kind of gas the mechanic threw in or if he bothered to check if the fuel pump was working. Itā€™s a bit of a mystery, for sure!
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